Last Updated on November 2020
Although marijuana is now legal in several states in the US, many occupations still require employees to prove they’re drug-free as a condition for getting or keeping a job. Marijuana is still illegal under US federal law, so there may be legal, medical, and corporate situations in which you need to take detox drinks that mask your use of recreational drugs.
Marijuana, like many other drugs, can take weeks and even months to work its way through the body completely. Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, the active component in marijuana, is fat-soluble, which means it can bind to fat cells in our bodies and even become a component of growing hair and nails.
Therefore, if you’re facing a blood, urine, or hair follicle drug test, it’s possible that the marijuana you ingested anywhere from 30 to 90 days before the test will show up in your body. One of the best methods to pass these drug tests is to drink the best detox drinks for drug tests while undergoing a natural detox process several days before the test.
Although not foolproof (swapping your urine for synthetic urine is the only reliable method), drinking drug detox drinks can increase your chances of passing a supervised drug test. They also work wonderfully as weight loss aids, reset THC tolerance levels in cannabis users, and can even help to reduce withdrawal symptoms for those abstaining from drug use.
In this review, we’ll explore some of the best detox drinks for drug tests on the market, explain how they work, see where you can get them, and provide expert tips on how to use them correctly.
These Are the Best Detox Drinks for Drug Test in 2020
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What Are Drug Detox Drinks and How Do They Work?
Drug detox drinks are specially formulated drinks that help to flush out drug metabolites and toxins from your body via urine. While they can’t instantly clean your body 100%, the most potent drinks work by removing drug metabolites from the bladder to enable you to produce a clean urine sample for a few hours.
Some common drug metabolites removed when you drink drug detox drinks include:
- THC in marijuana
- Benzoylecgonine, nor-cocaine, and ecgonine methyl ester in cocaine
- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in ecstasy
- 6-monoacetylmorphine and morphinea in heroin
- 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD in LSD
- Amphetamine and 4-hydromethamphetamine in crystal meth
- Natural and synthetic opiates, among others.
Even though they’re commonly known as detox drinks, these drinks cannot detoxify drug metabolites from your system entirely. Detox drinks act as diuretics, which help you to pee faster and flush your body of drug toxins quicker. They also ensure that your pee contains the natural minerals naturally found in urine at normal levels, and keep drug metabolites from going into your urine for a while, which results in you not testing positive for drug use during a specific detoxification window.
Our Top Picks for the Best Detox Drinks for Drug Test
1. Detoxify Mega Clean
This detox drink from Detoxify is easily the best one on the market! Detoxify Mega Clean comes with six pre-cleanse supplement pills included, which you should take four hours apart to enhance the detoxification process. It works by inhibiting toxins from entering your urine for around five hours.
Detoxify Mega Clean comes in 32oz bottles and two flavors – wild berry and tropical fruit. The drink also has six pre-cleanse pills included for maximum potency. This package offers maximum value for money as the pre-cleanse supplement pills flush out drug toxins rapidly, while the Mega Clean detox drink gets rid of any toxins that are left.
If you’re due for a drug test, you’ll need to abstain from drugs and other toxins for at least 48 hours before your drug test for this drug detox drink to be effective. Take the pre-cleanse supplement pills 24 hours before your test, 4 hours apart.
Keep the detox drink chilled and drink it on the day of your drug test. Four hours before your scheduled drug test, drink Mega Clean in one sitting, over approximately 10 minutes. Fifteen minutes later, refill the bottle with water and drink this solution. Most experts have noted it to be at its most effective three hours after consumption, so try to submit your urine sample for testing three hours after use.
2. Detoxify XX-tra Clean
Detoxify XXtra Clean comes from the same company that makes Ready Clean and Mega Clean. It is more potent than Ready Clean and less potent than Mega Clean.
This detox drink comes in a 20oz bottle and a tropical fruit flavor. It contains a potent mix of vitamins and natural herbal supplements, similar to those found in Ready Clean, including vitamins B, C, A, and D, niacin, riboflavin, biotin, manganese, and zinc, among others. Herbal ingredients include stevia leaf, mullein leaf, nettle, dandelion, and milk thistle, which aid in lung, liver, digestive, and kidney health.
Users are advised not to take drugs or other toxins at least 48 hours before consumption.
After drinking the whole bottle, wait 15 minutes, refill the bottle with water, and drink this solution entirely. Over the next hour, urinate and drink water repeatedly to flush toxins from the body.
Detoxify XXtra keeps urine samples clean for up to three hours. This drug detox drink will cleanse your urine of drug metabolites and toxins, but not your saliva, hair, or blood. If you undergo any of the latter tests, you may come up positive. This drink also flushes out prescription drugs from your system, so keep that in mind if you are taking any medications that your doctor has prescribed.
Some users have experienced stomach aches as side effects after taking this detox drink; if you have a sensitive stomach, the less potent Ready Clean might be better for you. We recommend Detoxify XXtra Clean for light to medium smokers on a budget.
3. Detoxify Ready Clean
Ready Clean is one of several drug detox drinks from manufacturers Detoxify LLC, and is one of the most popular drug detox drinks used to pass drug tests.
This drink comes in a 16oz bottle and contains Vitamins B, A, C, and D, creatine, zinc, and other vital nutrients to help flush drug toxins and drug metabolites effectively from your system. Other potent natural ingredients contained in the herbal formula include:
- Nettle – a diuretic
- Milk thistle and dandelion – promote liver function
- Uva ursi – promotes kidney health
- Mullein leaf – supports lung function
- Stevia leaf – a natural sweetener
- Fruit fiber – helps in digestion and elimination.
This detox drink is not as potent as the Detoxify Mega Clean and is suitable for light cannabis users who weigh less than 200lbs and smoke less than three joints a week.
Detoxify Ready Clean also comes with pre-cleanse supplement pills, which should be taken 24 hours before taking the drink for the detox program to be effective. Users must also not use any drugs or other toxins for 48 hours before drinking Ready Clean for it to be effective.
Once ready, you should drink Ready Clean 90 minutes to an hour before producing a urine sample for testing, making sure to urinate as much as possible to rid your body of toxins. Drink it in one sitting, refill the bottle with water after 15 minutes, and then drink this solution entirely. Continue to drink water throughout the day to extend the effectiveness of this cleansing program for hours.
Overall, this herbal cleanse is excellent. It provides a five-hour detoxification window, in which you should submit your urine sample to enable you to pass your drug test.
4. Quick Clear Detox Drink
Quick Clear Detox is one of the most potent detox drinks available. Quick Fix, the makers of this detox drink, designed it to help heavy smokers regardless of their weight. They used only natural and organic flavors in the formulation to create a delicious drink, which includes eight supplement capsules to boost the drink’s effects. Quick Clear is available in blueberry acai and orange mango flavors and comes in a 20oz bottle.
Before you take the detox drink, drink at least 20 ounces of water over 15 minutes, then drink Quick Clear over the next 15 minutes. As you drink Quick Clear, take the eight supplement pills, using the detox drink to down the pills.
Wait 20 minutes, and then drink some more water for the ultimate hydration and detoxification. You should urinate quite a bit over the next hour after completing this regimen, after which you should be clear of toxins for approximately five hours. Most experts, however, have noted that Quick Clear is at its most potent two to four hours after consumption.
5. Rescue Detox Ice
Rescue Detox Ice has an excellent reputation as an effective drug detox drink. This drink comes in a 17oz or 32oz bottle and three flavors – cranberry, blueberry, and green tea. Rescue Detox Ice contains no artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, or synthetic dyes, which makes it an excellent choice for those who would like as natural a detox plan as possible. Furthermore, this detox drink has natural detoxifying ingredients like pomegranate and cranberry and contains no sugar – Applied Sciences uses stevia leaf extract to sweeten it naturally.
It is also fast-acting, effective in 90 minutes, and provides cleansing action for five hours. Use it just before your drug test, and make sure to urinate and rehydrate well in the hours before your test.
The 17oz bottle provides excellent detoxifying action for people weighing under 200 pounds with low to medium drug toxin levels, while the 32oz bottle is suggested for people over 200 to with high to excessive drug toxin levels.
Down the entire bottle in one sitting and then refill the bottle with water and drink that solution right away. The more water you drink after drinking Rescue Detox Ice, the better the detoxification.
6. Rescue Cleanse from Clear Choice
Rescue Cleanse has gained fame as one of the best marijuana detox drinks on the market. Clear Choice’s Rescue Cleanse comes in a 17oz and 32oz bottle and one delicious flavor – cran-apple.
If you weigh 200 pounds or more and have high levels of drug toxins in you, the 32oz bottle works better for you. However, if you weigh less than 200 pounds and have low to medium drug metabolite levels, the manufacturer recommends the 17oz bottle.
You must stop smoking weed or other drugs 48 hours before your drug test. Drink the whole bottle within a 15-minute window (on an empty stomach), then refill the bottle with water and drink that solution in its entirety. After that, keep drinking water regularly to flush your system by urinating.
To enhance the effectiveness of this detoxifying drink, you can combine your water intake with a natural detox drink such as water or cranberry juice, or even electrolyte supplements. Timing is crucial; ensure that you drink Rescue Cleanse two hours before your drug test, and give your urine sample within the five-hour detoxification window to enhance your chances of passing the drug test.
7. Stinger Buzz 5x Extra Strength Detox
Stinger Buzz 5x Extra Strength Detox doesn’t have as strong a reputation as Detoxify Mega Clean or Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse. Still, it is fast becoming popular and garnering a fan base among marijuana smokers for its concentrated formula.
It comes in an 8oz bottle and features a delicious grape flavor that makes the drink easy to down in one go. Although there are no accompanying supplement pills, Stinger is super-potent, which is why it comes in a much smaller bottle than most other drug detox drinks.
Buzz 5X Extra Strength works best for smokers with high to excessive levels of drug toxins in their system. You must not introduce new drugs or other toxins into your body at least 48 hours before taking it for the drink to be effective.
Drink the entire 8oz bottle an hour to 90 minutes before your drug test. Wait 15 minutes, then refill the empty bottle with water and drink, repeating this procedure up to four times. You’ll urinate quite frequently as your body continually removes toxins, and you should avoid drinking milk or other dairy products as these could hamper the effectiveness of the detox.
Additionally, drink lots of water after taking Buzz 5X Extra Strength and take vitamin B to flush out toxins further and make your urine sample look as natural as possible on the day of the drug test.
What Are the Drink Options for an All-Natural Detox?
All the detox drink options we’ve seen above are available commercially. Some people, however, may prefer to use all-natural detox drinks, of which coffee, lemon juice, cranberry juice, and water offer the best detoxifying capabilities.
These all-natural drinks also complement the best detox drinks for drug tests above, making the detoxifying process more effective.
As with the commercial detox drinks above, use these natural beverages carefully to avoid getting dehydrated from drinking too much coffee or suffering water intoxication from drinking too much water. Below we examine how these drinks can help to detoxify the body from marijuana and other drugs.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice has an excellent reputation as a detox drink full of antioxidants. It also flushes out your system quickly and thoroughly, while providing numerous health benefits like fighting urinary tract infections and boosting immunity.
The best way to drink cranberry juice is to mix it with an electrolyte drink, or even better with tons of water. Doing this will help you to urinate more, flushing drug toxins and metabolites from your body.
You could also couple this action with Vitamin B supplement pills to give you energy as well as add color back into your watered-down urine. This action will help to make your urine sample appear less suspicious.
Coffee is an excellent drug detox drink as it is a potent and natural diuretic and laxative, best-drunk black with no sugar for maximum detoxifying benefits.
Drinking coffee accelerates the need to pee, so make sure that you also take in lots of water or electrolyte drinks to rehydrate your body as you flush out those drug toxins.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice makes for an excellent detox drink as it is highly acidic. Lemon juice flushes toxins from your body, much like rubbing alcohol removes grime or grease.
Just one tablespoon of lemon juice in a 16oz glass of water is enough to do the job. Sip slowly over a few hours and drink at least seven to eight times before a drug test. You can prepare a large quantity of the mixture and store it in the fridge so that you have ready access to it.
If you can’t tolerate the hyperacidity that can result from drinking lots of coffee or lemon juice, then it’s best to opt for water. Water flushes toxins from the system via urine, so the more water you drink, the more you pee.
If you’re due for a drug test, drink 1 liter of water 30 minutes before the test to reduce the amount of drug metabolites in your urine.
Make sure you follow up by drinking electrolyte supplements such as electrolyte powders or sports drinks to rebalance the electrolytes in your body. Also, watch how much water you drink in one session to avoid water intoxication, which can be fatal.
While water, lemon juice, cranberry juice, and coffee have some detoxifying benefits, it is essential to note that these natural drinks cannot help you to pass a drug test when taken on their own.
Expert Tips on Detoxing Using Drug Detox Drinks
- Follow the instructions on the bottle accurately; if the bottle states that you should drink the whole bottle immediately, do so.
- Only buy detox drinks from official suppliers or authorized dealers and not from e-commerce platform sellers.
- 16oz or 20oz containers are less potent than larger 32-oz bottles. Choose the right dosage for you based on your body weight and your level of drug toxins.
- Avoid drug-specific brands; go for a wide-spectrum detox drink.
- Urinate as much as possible within an hour of consuming the drug detox drink, then enhance the rehydration and detoxification process by drinking lots of water, electrolyte drinks, and/or by taking vitamin B12.
- Heavy smokers are better off using a five-day detox pill program or dedicated detox kits, which include drinks and pills.
- Do not use detox drinks in any jurisdiction where detox drinks are illegal, as some of the ingredients included may be considered adulterants. These states include Arkansas, Maryland, Illinois, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Additionally, New Jersey, Florida, and Kentucky ban the delivery of detox products, while Texas and Louisiana ban the making or distribution of detox products.
- For more information, check out this video on how to use detox drinks to pass a drug test.
Final Verdict: Best Detox Drink for Drug Tests
The best detox drinks for drug tests can help you remove drug metabolites from your urine. However, it is essential to note that if you are undergoing drug testing, these drinks may not be 100% accurate.
Although they do detox the body, these drinks are not a magic potion to help you pass a urine drug test; you should also adhere to the general rules of natural detox, by not ingesting more drugs for at least 48 hours before the test, drinking lots of fluids, and eating a well-balanced diet.
If we’d have to pick one detox drink, we’d go with the Detoxify Mega Clean. This drug detox drink comes with six pills for maximum detoxification. It is potent enough to provide sufficient detox power three to five hours after ingestion, making it one of the best detox drinks for drug tests around.
Remember, detox drinks need time to work themselves through your body to be effective. If you’re taking these drinks to pass a surprise drug test, they may not be 100% effective. You’ll need a few days at least to prepare for the test with these potent commercial drug detox drinks.